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Handling Your Divorce The Right Way When You Have Kids

Handling Your Divorce The Right Way When You Have Kids

If you are filing for a divorce after every other thing seems to not be working, there is a whole lot to put in mind, most especially when you have children. Although the process of separation and divorce can be emotionally torturing for all the party involved, each parent owes their children the responsibility of making this transition as easy as possible. When it comes to divorce, there is no ultimate roadmap, and no one can say for certain how each party involved is going to reac...

How to Prevent Child Relocation After a Divorce

How to Prevent Child Relocation After a Divorce

Going through with a divorce arrangement can be quite draining on the parents both physically and emotionally. Whether you have been seeing the cracks on the wall and have had it coming for a while or the whole situation hits you unexpectedly, one of the many damaging aspects of the process is arguably child custody and alimony after the process. While many people bother about the finances in a high-asset divorce case, children are usually on the farthest part of the receiving ends especially...

Why You’re Better Off Handling Your High-Asset Divorce Out of Court

Why You’re Better Off Handling Your High-Asset Divorce Out of Court

When it comes to divorces involving high-asset clients, there’s an extra layer of complexity beyond the drama and nerve-wracking emotional tensions that exist between both spouses. In this immensely difficult time for families like this, one of the quickest ways to compound the problem is to insist on litigation as the only means of settling differences. As most high-asset divorcees have learned, there is much at stake for public image, privacy and many amounts of money to be lost in dr...

4 Most Common Reasons for Divorce

4 Most Common Reasons for Divorce

Nobody goes into the marriage with plans to get divorced. The word “divorce” continues to attract negative impressions of failure, sadness and plenty of legal drama. Despite the fact that the divorce rate has been reducing over the years, it is still a possible outcome of a lot of marriages. That’s part of why a family law practice in Winter Park is still in business. It is almost impossible to be prepared for divorce especially given the rose-colored spectacles th...

Beginner’s Guide to Alimony in A Florida Divorce

Beginner’s Guide to Alimony in A Florida Divorce

When you are in the process of a divorce in Florida, one of the important things to consider is alimony or spousal support for many reasons. According to Florida law, it is a critical part of divorce and can be awarded to a spouse as maintenance. Contrary to popular belief, alimony is not always a monthly payment. It can sometimes be a one-time sum or even a combination of both types of payment. Let’s take a look at some basic things you should know about a divorce alimony in ...

How to Protect Your Money in a Divorce

How to Protect Your Money in a Divorce

When facing an impending divorce, one of the first things that a family law practice in Orlando will tell you to do is to begin to prepare. Divorce can be an emotionally trying time but you must not forget that you must stay strong not just for yourself. You will also have your children, your future and your finances to worry about. Getting financial protection during a divorce is important. Here are some ways to ensure that you come out of a divorce as unscathed financially as poss...

Top 10 Tips on Controlling the Cost of Getting a Divorce

Top 10 Tips on Controlling the Cost of Getting a Divorce

Getting a divorce from your spouse can be quite costly. The cost of getting a divorce goes beyond the initial estimate that any reputable Family Law Practice in Altamonte Springs gives you. If you are not careful, you could end up spending far more than you bargained for. There are many other expenses that can come up when there is a divorce case. These include the cost for expert fees, court fees and other levies that you may find yourself owing at the end of the case. These experts are comm...

Top Things You Must Do Before Filing for a Divorce

Top Things You Must Do Before Filing for a Divorce

Asking your spouse for a divorce is typically the culmination of lots of thoughts and reasoning because it is a big decision that will affect your life in more ways than one. Getting a divorce involves more than just going to the court to submit a complaint and filing for a legal dissolution of your marriage. Before you arrive at the final decision to file for a divorce, there are some things to consider in order to make sure that you achieve the best possible result from your decis...

Ways to Reconnect with Your Spouse

Ways to Reconnect with Your Spouse

Marriage is not easy and requires a lot of work. After a lot of time and fights, it sometimes happens that the connection you feel with your spouse diminishes and even gets lost. Then it becomes easier to seek isolation instead of trying to make the relationship work. This sometimes leads to a separation and eventually divorce. Marriage requires you to be resilient and find ways to always try to rekindle the spark that first led you to the altar. Reconnecting with your spouse can sa...

Ways Which Social Media Can Wreak Havoc in Your Divorce

Ways Which Social Media Can Wreak Havoc in Your Divorce

Divorce is never a smooth sail and the physical and emotional trauma that comes with the package only makes it a harder storm to weather. In times like these, spouses tend to draw closer to attention even if they are trying to move away from it especially if it is a high asset divorce. While Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram can be a good way to ensuring that one moves on with life and takes the mind of the divorce for a while, it is quite imperative that you are highly cautious of th...

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