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Top 7 Tips for High Asset Divorce

Top 7 Tips for High Asset Divorce

Divorces are never the easiest things to do. It could get further messier when unpleasant details and procedures drag out in the open and it erupts into a long, public battle. High asset divorce as the name implies differs from the ordinary divorce based on the high amount and value of assets owned by wither both or one partner of the broken marriage. Completing a high asset divorce can be quite difficult even despite the high emotional traumas being experienced and many roadblocks ...

Top 5 Ways to Avoid Divorce

Top 5 Ways to Avoid Divorce

There is a popular saying that is echoed into the ears of almost every newlywed; ‘There are only fairy-tale weddings, but no fairy-tale marriages’. Call the guy that came up with that quote a sadist but in all honesty, nothing could be closer to the truth. Divorce is an increasingly damaging culprit in modern marriages as you can tell by the lines in front of most family law practices in Altamonte Springs, a so-easily sought solution to every challe...

15 Critical Mistakes in Divorce

15 Critical Mistakes in Divorce

The process of divorce is never a pleasant one matter how much you want to get away from your spouse. Because the divorce process is so unpredictable, as you cannot determine how long it will take or how much you are going to get or loss in the process. That is why divorce need to be handled by those specialized in the process, usually a family law practice in Orlando. We are going to look at some common mistakes made in the process of divorce. 1. Ta...

When Is A Divorce Said To Be Successful?

When Is A Divorce Said To Be Successful?

Without mincing words, couples have a divorce when they realize that their marriage is over and both are happier apart than together. Once you are no longer happy in your marriage, usually a divorce is the logical decision. Unfortunately, a lot of people find it hard to be any happier even after the divorce with the separation process becoming more painful and emotionally damaging than should be. Is there ever a happy ending to a divorce? In the end of the legal fights i...

What to Expect in Divorce Mediation

What to Expect in Divorce Mediation

Divorces are very complicated and sometimes couple try to settle it using a divorce attorney in Winter Park. This may not always be the best solution especially when the couple want to resolve issues as peacefully as possible without going to court. One alternative available to divorcing parties is mediation. Mediation is an effective means of reaching an out-of-court settlement between divorce parties. It involves the parties (and in some conditions, your ...

Co-Parenting: 4 Useful Tips to Make It Work as Divorcing Parents

Co-Parenting: 4 Useful Tips to Make It Work as Divorcing Parents

Family is everything and while divorce may bring up a lot of issues with the parenting, the welfare of the children is always a reason to maintain a good level of cordiality and a semblance of balance. In our years of experience with family law in Winter Park, here are four of the most useful tips that we give divorcing parents as they navigate the emotionally challenging period of co-parenting Tip #1: Never badmouth each other in front of your children Children do not n...

Things divorcing home owners should consider

Things divorcing home owners should consider

Divorce comes with its burden. It usually takes its toll on all individuals involved, the couple and their kid(s), if they have any. Letting go by one of both parties is usually one of the hurdles faced in divorce cases. A partner might feel he or she needs to stay to maintain a balanced home for the sake of the kids. Divorces are usually facilitated by attorneys. A divorce attorney in Orlando handles all forms of divorce cases and challenges associated with them. R...

Does Your Ex-Partner Have a Right to Your Lottery Win During a Divorce?

Does Your Ex-Partner Have a Right to Your Lottery Win During a Divorce?

It may seem like an abstract issue but one of the most popular issues that divorce attorneys in Altamonte springs experience is during property division is how to treat lottery claims during a divorce Let us imagine that you play the lottery while happily married and unexpectedly hit the jackpot. How much of your prize money is your soon-to-be ex entitled to? Ever thought about that? We doubt that you have. As farfetched as it seems, you should know what c...

Is Signing a Prenuptial Agreement Right for You?

Is Signing a Prenuptial Agreement Right for You?

Because of the common disputes that arise during divorces over finances and child custody rights, more people are seeking for a means through family law in Orlando to ensure that separating from a spouse is easier and more agreeable. A prenuptial agreement is a critical tool used to protect each spouse’s interests in the event there is a separation in the future. Before you agree to a prenuptial agreement, it is highly recommended that you find an at...

Five Ways to Have A Stress-free Divorce

Five Ways to Have A Stress-free Divorce

When you are going through a divorce, there is usually a lot to consider before you even arrived at that decision. It sometimes feels like an admission of defeat at not being able to make the relationship work. Do not kick yourself too hard. The best way to go about a divorce is to have a plan. Hiring a divorce attorney in Orlando is probably the first thing you would do. Getting legal counsel that you can trust is very important. Besides that, here are other things...

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