815 Orienta Ave. Suite 1030 Altamonte Springs, FL 32701


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Tips for a viable Post Marital Agreement

Tips for a viable Post Marital Agreement

A Post Marital agreement is an agreement signed by both spouses during a marriage that alters or amends the rights and responsibilities of each spouse to the other, which is in contrast to a Pre-Marital agreement that is signed before the marriage. This agreement seeks to identify and recognize the interests of each spouse as to the marital affair, whereby each spouse signifies what and what not is expected from the marriage. Due to the peculiar nature of the agreement, it must be h...

Can Unmarried Fathers Obtain Custody?

Can Unmarried Fathers Obtain Custody?

Florida family law is quite gender-neutral, and courts believe that the best environment for a child to grow in is one in which the parents of the child are both involved in the child's life. But when it comes to having a child out of marriage, the father of the child is not always favored when it comes to getting visitation and child custody; at least not without a fight. Under family laws in Florida, if a man is not married to the mother of his child, he will have to take lega...

5 Things Not to Do on Social Media during Divorce

5 Things Not to Do on Social Media during Divorce

We live in the digital age and a good number of us have taken solace in making social media a second world. While social media is a fun place to share things; where people share things going on with them, good or bad; it remains a platform that must be used with caution, especially if you are going through a divorce. There are certain types of posts you should not make on social media if you are going through a divorce that has not been finalized and involves child custody. A family law pract...

Divorce Threats: what Should You Do?

Divorce Threats: what Should You Do?

Fights are inevitable in marriage and couples fight. But if during arguments or fights, one partner starts threatening the other with divorce then, there is a big problem that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. As stressful and demanding as marriage can be, nobody ever wants to go through the stress of divorce. When one partner keeps mentioning it whether casually or seriously, it is a red flag that must be nipped in the bud. If your spouse is threatening you with divorce, what shoul...

Bringing Up the topic of Prenuptial Agreement

Bringing Up the topic of Prenuptial Agreement

As much as marriage is a union borne out of love, an intertwining of families, lifestyle and all other things that make up the lives of different people, finance is one of the most Important aspects of marriage that must be discussed. A lot of unions have crashed because of money issues, and after the marriage has ended, the problem of money continues to exist. A lot of couples have no clear direction on how they will divide their money after a divorce, and this leads to a lot of problems. In...

What happens if a parent does not abide by a child custody plan?

What happens if a parent does not abide by a child custody plan?

Divorce comes with its drama, and if a child is involved, it takes the process longer and more complex. As a family law practice in Orlando, we have seen heated divorce cases with child custody battles that dragged on for long even after the divorce has been finalized. After a parenting plan has been established for some couples, it so happens that some parents refuse to obey the child custody order given by the court. For instance, a parent may not pick up or drop off the child on time or ev...

What Impact Does Losing Your Job Have On Child Support

What Impact Does Losing Your Job Have On Child Support

Calculating child support is done based on the income you make and being able to pay for child support depends on your continued employment. But sometimes, things happen that you don't expect and losing a job is one of those things, what then do you do? Does your child support payment disappear? Do you ignore because you may be unable to keep up with the payments? The answer to these questions is "No." ignoring your child support would be a wrong decision as your payments will g...

How to Find Out Hidden Income and Assets in Divorce Cases

How to Find Out Hidden Income and Assets in Divorce Cases

A common issue that comes up in family law practice in Winter Park is the issue of hiding assets and income by a party in a divorce case. When one spouse raises their concern that the other spouse is hiding their income or assets, as an experienced firm that engages in family law practice in Winter Park, there are specific ways to find this out. One thing that is true is that people go to great lengths to hide their assets during divorce and the reasons are not far-fetched. One of the reasons...

Does Your Child Need Divorce Therapy?

Does Your Child Need Divorce Therapy?

Divorce is a tough process, and it takes its toll on not only the couple but their children as well. As a family law practice in Orlando with enough experience, we have seen firsthand, divorce happening in seemingly solid marriages. Now, imagine a healthy, happy marriage that suddenly took a nosedive, what effects do you think that will have on the children? Your guess is right; it cannot be easy on the children. There are so many things attached to divorce, and the most important i...

Does A Father Have Visitation Right If His Name Is Not on The Child’s Birth Certificate?

Does A Father Have Visitation Right If His Name Is Not on The Child’s Birth Certificate?

Not all fathers are deadbeats, and a lot of absent fathers did not choose to be. In a lot of cases, most of them were led to believe that they have no rights to visit their child because their name is not on the birth certificated. This misconception has made a lot of fathers miss out on having a relationship with their child. With a reputable firm that engages in family law practice, this can be cleared up quickly, and everything will be sorted out. In Florida, when two people have a child o...

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