Are you a victim of domestic abuse? Has your spouse, partner, or significant other been abusing you, making you scared to continue living the way you do? If this is a situation you or a loved one are facing, you should get help immediately. Find a safe place to go, and contact an attorney to help you get the treatment you deserve. Often times, many victims of domestic abuse are unsure of how to proceed with a legal battle towards their abuser. They may even be afraid. However, when you work with the professionals at our family law practice in Orlando, you will have the safety and support of our experienced attorney. Here are a few things you should know about domestic abuse cases.
If you have suffered from abuse that has required medical attention, you are likely eligible to fight for compensation. To receive compensation for hospital bills, treatments, or even surgeries, you will need to report the abuse and file a case with your local attorneys. Once this occurs, they will be able to fight for you to get you the compensation you deserve. If you have trouble paying for your medical bills or you are buried in medical debt, you may want to seek resolution to get what you deserve. Also, if you've had to miss work because of abuse, you are also entitled to lost wages.
Victims of abuse can have a difficult time moving on from their abuser. They may feel trapped, scared, or unable to trust anyone else. When you press charges and fight your case in court, you may feel a sense of closure from your unfortunate situation. This will allow you to move on from your abuser and truly feel free. Victims of abuse may also struggle to regain control of their lives or even trust themselves, but fighting for yourself is empowering. This can give you the power to take back your life.
Even if you have filed for criminal charges with the police, you can still also file a civil lawsuit as well. In fact, many abusers are entitled to both settlements in order to get the justice they deserve. Civil lawsuits related to domestic abuse range from recouping medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering. It is important to fight for what you have lost due to your abusers mistreatment during the course of your relationship.
These are just some of the facts about domestic abuse cases. Our family law practice in Orlando can assist you to find the settlement you deserve and make sure your abuser is brought to justice. When you are a victim of domestic abuse, it is important to have a trusted support system to fight for you. Contact us to hear how we can help you today.