In a divorce, the division of assets can be a time-consuming process that requires careful consideration. At Frank Family Law Practice in Winter Park, we understand the importance of ensuring a fair division of assets for our clients. We provide legal advice and strategies to help you negotiate the division of assets that best fits your situation.
First, it is important to understand what assets are in the context of family law. Generally speaking, assets are anything that has monetary value, including real estate properties, investments, vehicles, bank accounts, retirement plans, and more. Most of the time these items must be divided evenly between both parties in a divorce settlement; however, there are exceptions depending on other factors.
The best way to ensure a fair division of assets is to have your interests represented by an experienced family law attorney who specializes in asset division negotiations. Our attorneys will work with you to create a comprehensive understanding of all marital property and debts so that you can move forward with confidence knowing your interests are being considered fairly and legally. Additionally, we will use our vast experience to anticipate potential issues or complications that could arise during negotiations and prepare for them accordingly.
If it becomes apparent that negotiations cannot be reached between both parties involved in the divorce proceedings then the court may have to decide how to divide the marital property—this is known as “equitable distribution”. This means that while it may not be an exact 50/50 split (which is sometimes impossible due to various factors), each party should receive their fair share based on what they brought into the marriage as well as their contributions throughout its duration. When this happens, having an experienced family lawyer on your side can make all the difference in achieving an equitable outcome for your case.
Negotiating a division of assets during divorce proceedings can be complex and overwhelming, but with help from our experienced attorneys at Frank Family Law Practice in Winter Park you can rest assured that your interests will be fairly represented and protected every step along the way. With us by your side every step through this difficult process you can trust that we will do everything possible to ensure you get what’s rightfully yours under Florida state laws so you can start moving forward with your life after your divorce settlement is finalized. Contact us today for more information about how we can help!