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Divorce Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

Divorce Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

Divorce Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction


Divorce is never an easy process for any couple to go through. It can be emotionally, mentally, and financially draining, which is why it's important that people have accurate information to prevent any misunderstandings. Unfortunately, there are countless myths that surround divorce that continue to mislead people, causing them to make decisions that are not in their best interest. In this blog post, we'll be debunking some of the most common divorce myths that you should know.


1. Myth: Divorce Always Results in Court Battles

One of the biggest misconceptions about divorce is that it always results in a vicious court battle where spouses fight over every single thing. However, it's important to know that court battles are only necessary in cases where couples cannot agree on important issues such as property division, child custody, and alimony. Most couples can reach an agreement outside of court through mediation or negotiated settlements.

2. Myth: Mothers Always Get Custody of the Children

It's a common myth that mothers always get custody of their children. The truth is that judges always focus on the best interests of the children and will always make a decision that aligns with those interests. So, regardless of which parent is a mother or father, custody will be awarded based on factors such as the child's relationship with each parent, their age, and their ability to provide a stable environment.

3. Myth: Infidelity Guarantees a Greater Share of Property

In most states, including Florida, the grounds for divorce do not affect property division. This means that infidelity, which is a common reason cited for divorce, does not usually affect the distribution of assets. Instead, asset distribution is based on factors such as earning capacity, length of the marriage, and the contributions made by each spouse to the marriage.

4. Myth: Alimony Is Guaranteed Upon Divorce

Mistakenly, people believe that alimony payments are guaranteed to a lower-earning spouse after a divorce. The truth is that alimony payments are determined on a case-by-case basis. Courts will consider various factors, including the length of the marriage, the earning capacity of both spouses, and the standard of living during the marriage, among others, before awarding any alimony payments.

5. Myth: You Have to File for Divorce Where You Got Married

Lastly, a common misconception is that you must file for divorce in the state where you got married. The reality is that you can file for a divorce in any state where one of the spouses has lived for the required period. For Florida, the required period is six months.



In conclusion, many divorcing couples operate under false beliefs about the process, creating unnecessary stress and financial strain. It's essential to understand that many of the common misconceptions about divorce are just myths. Separating fact from fiction can make the divorce process a lot less overwhelming and more manageable. If you are going through the divorce process, it's crucial to consult with a professional attorney to help guide you through it. If you're seeking a reliable family law practice in Winter Park, FL, contact Frank Family Law today to arrange a divorce or family law consultation.