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Divorce and Financial Settlement FAQs

Divorce and Financial Settlement FAQs

Divorce and Financial Settlement FAQs


Divorce not only leads to an emotional and mental toll on a person, but it also carries consequences that affect your financial situation. When separating from your spouse, there are several factors that you must consider, including debts, assets, and property division. As a result, it's crucial to have an understanding of financial settlements during divorce. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources available to provide adequate information on how a divorce settlement impacts your financial situation. In this blog post, we'll answer some common questions about divorce and financial settlement. 


1. What is a financial settlement in divorce? 

A Financial settlement is an arrangement that outlines how your assets and debts will be divided after a divorce. These include shared property, pensions, investments, savings, and debts accumulated during the marriage. The process of division will depend on the financial condition of both parties, duration of marriage, and other factors, such as the presence of minor children or the ability of either or both partners to earn. 

2. What is the role of a family law attorney in a divorce settlement? 

A family law attorney plays an essential role in helping clients navigate the legal process of divorce and ensuring that their interests are protected during the financial settlement. Their expertise can guide you through a complex process, including negotiating for fair distribution of assets, determining child support or spousal support, and ensuring that all agreements are accounted for in a legally binding manner. It is essential to have a skilled attorney to prevent compromised settlements. 

3. How can the division of a property be settled? 

The division of property is one of the crucial aspects of a divorce settlement. In most cases, the assets are split as equitably as possible. But this does not necessarily mean an even split. Some states recognize community property, and in the number of these states, all assets and debts acquired during marriage are equally divided between the spouses. In contrast, other states use equitable distribution, which aims for a fair division based on several factors. The division of property is complex and can be contentious, making it essential to get competent legal advice. 

4. Can a spouse be forced to pay after a divorce? 

After a divorce, it is possible for one spouse to pay alimony or spousal support to another spouse. The amount typically helps the spouse that earns less and needs support to get their financial life back on track after a separation. The amount and duration of support will depend on various factors, such as the length of marriage, the age, and earning capacity of each spouse, and the standard of living during the marriage. While the support amount is usually negotiated between the partners, it can be modified in court. 

5. What happens to assets acquired after divorce? 

If the couple owns a joint property, but one person acquires additional assets post-divorce, these assets usually remain theirs alone. Any assets obtained during separation or after the finalization of divorce belong exclusively to the individual. Nevertheless, this may depend on the terms of your financial settlement — therefore, it's essential to consult with a family law attorney for guidance. 



Divorce is never a straightforward process, and the financial aspect of it can make it even more complicated. Although going through the divorce process, most people rightly focus on the emotional impact, it is important not to overlook the financial implications. It is critical to ensure that you and your lawyer are negotiating a fair settlement that takes into account your current and future financial needs. At Frank Family Law, we understand the importance of giving every client the guidance and representation they need during this difficult time. Our experience and expertise in the field have provided us with a profound understanding of the legal issues that arise from divorce proceedings. Contact us today if you're looking for a family law practice in Winter Park, FL, to schedule your consultation.