When you decide to get a divorce, there are some things to consider. One of those things is the process you are going to use to get divorced. Lawyers can handle it in a court battle, do-it-yourself is possible but you do lose a sense of control you'd have if you had mediation. Divorce mediation is when couples hire an unbiased and experienced neutral party to oversee the proceedings, often an attorney from a reputable family law practice in Orlando. These are a few benefits of settling your divorce in mediation instead of taking it to court.
If you use a divorce mediator, they are experienced and knowledgeable in common issues and procedures of the process. It is their job to help you get through this stressful time with as little drama as possible. If you find yourself in an online divorce service and your spouse isn't agreeing with you (or vice versa) they may choose not to work the case.
To put it simply, the more complications, the more likely you will need guidance through these issues. Mediators can help with solutions and spot issues before they pop up in the middle of negotiations. They will even help with the completion of paperwork.
One of the biggest benefits of divorce mediators over lawyers is the quickness in which you see results. In court, your case is one of thousands that have to be pushed through. Mediation is a process that can proceed at your speed. Your spouse, your mediator, and yourself have to agree on the pace of development.
In many mediations, the fees are split between spouses. That being said, you will be paying less than you would for a lawyer and courts costs. You are also avoiding unnecessary costs involved with multiple appointments to work out the fine details.
You probably have a job, and if you have kids, scheduling important appointments can be difficult. With lawyers and online divorce courts, you aren't left with much negotiation on dates and times. If you decided to invest in a divorce mediator, you will have more say so in the times when appointments take place.
Lastly, when you choose to use a divorce mediator, you are going to have better control over the outcome. Instead of arguing and fighting in court and re-court hearings, you will have a mediator to offer solutions and tips along the way. This will help you and your spouse reach agreements and outcomes that favor all parties.
Divorce is never something anyone intends on experiencing. Love is supposed to last forever, not divorce court. When your relationship has run its course, don't drag it out. If you want to work with reputable lawyers that will help you settle your divorce in mediation, contact our family law practice in Orlando to schedule a consultation with us today.